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« Smokey Signals: More Info | Main | Thanks to KAN Organizers and Visitors! »

April 13, 2009


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Dee from Woodland, CA

Ok I now know I have to bring tissue on Saturday~

Adam & Celeste Deem

You can also sign up [at the booth] for a drawing that will be held at the end of KAN: Prizes include Li'l Smokey "Peach Nectar Reserve" Chardonnay/wine, "Saving Li'l Smokey" signed children's book, and a limited edition Li'l Smokey beanie bear. The grand prize will be a basket w/all 3 items.

Hope to see you there!!!

P.S. A "sneak peak" of the booth can be seen on our website; Adam said that the ladies (and Gary) have done an amazing job and have been working super hard and deserve lots of love!!! :)

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